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2nd Annual Mid-Mon Valley Economic Symposium

The Mon Valley Alliance would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all our sponsors and participants of the 2nd Annual Mid-Mon Valley Economic Symposium!

A special thank you to the Presenting Sponsor the Washington County Chamber of Commerce, Breakfast Sponsor Penn Highlands Healthcare Mon Valley, Media Partner the Mon Valley Independent, Gold Sponsors; La Carte Development Company, Guttman Energy, and Pennsylvania American Water; and all our Silver and Bronze Sponsors for their extraordinary support of this event.

Thank you to PA Film Commissioner Gino Pesi for sharing his inspiring personal narrative, which illuminated the vital connections between the film industry and local tourism opportunities, and sparked hope and fresh ideas for the future of the Mon Valley!

Congratulations to the recipients of the Allison Maxwell Outstanding Leadership Award: the Charleroi Area School District and Fallowfield Township! We appreciate your partnership, exceptional leadership, and commitment to fostering positive change in the Mid-Mon Valley.

Congratulations to John LaCarte, who received the Chuck Chattaway Award! Thank you for your unwavering support and promotion of economic growth in the Mid-Mon Valley Region through industrial development and your work on the Mon Valley Alliance and Mon Valley Alliance Foundation Board of Directors. 

Please save October 30, 2025, for the 3rd Annual Mid-Mon Valley Economic Symposium.


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