Survey of Mid Mon Valley Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs
Make your voice heard by completing our survey. Please feel free to share this survey with other small businesses
and entrepreneurs in the Mid Mon Valley. We want to ensure everyone has the tools they need to succeed!
Please contact Cait Lee, our Director of Business Resources at
clee@monvalleyalliance.org if you have any questions or concerns.
Who: The Mon Valley Alliance/Mon Valley Alliance Foundation, a local community development nonprofit organization based in Monongahela would like to hear from you as a local business owner and/or a budding entrepreneur.
What: A brief survey providing high-level information about your business and your interest in capacity building supports and resources that will be brought to the region.
Where: The Mon Valley Alliance is based in Monongahela, however, we serve communities across the Mid Mon Valley region.
When: The survey will be conducted through 10/1/2024.
Why: The data collected from this survey will be used to inform and secure resources, services, and opportunities for small businesses in the area. These resources will be made available through the Mon Valley Alliance’s newly created Business Resource Center, which will make these small business services available for minimal or no cost to you!
At Mon Valley Alliance, we understand that thriving small businesses are the backbone of a healthy economy and a prosperous community. Your individual success as a small business owner contributes to the well-being of the entire region. That's why we are committed to creating a wave of capacity-building support to uplift deserving, hard-working businesses like yours.
When you succeed, we all benefit!
**Please note that we will not share your responses to this survey with other entities. The data collected here is solely for the use of providing responsive programs and resources to the small business and entrepreneurial community in the Mid Mon Valley.